
FOGC: Sacred Space and Common Ground: A Study Day on the Precincts of Gloucester Cathedral

Friday 1st September, 10:00

Gloucester Cathedral, Gloucester Cathedral
This is a second chance to join Cathedral Guide Richard Auckland on his highly successful and informative study day on the precincts of Gloucester Cathedral.  The day begins with coffee and an illustrated talk on the evolution of the grounds of the original St Peter’s Abbey to the area we are so familiar with today.  After lunch Richard will take us on a walk around the Cathedral precincts to talk about some of these buildings and their fascinating histories.  The day will conclude with tea and cakes in the Parliament Rooms.

NB: Please advise us using the 'special requests' option if you have particular dietary requirements.

This event is exclusively for members of the Friends of Gloucester Cathedral and their guests. 

Bookings are no longer available

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