
Photography Course: Portraiture

Tuesday 28th February, 11:00

Parliament Room, Gloucester Cathedral, College Green, Gloucester GL1 2LX
This is a six week course, which will be held on from11am - 1pm on Tuesday 28th February, 7th, 14th, 21st & 28th March.  
Bring your own camera and learn basic portrait photography skills. In one of the sessions you will have the opportunity to photograph local NHS staff and submit your work as part of our summer exhibition '75 years of the NHS'. 

Please note:
  • The ticket price covers all six workshops.
  • Refunds are not available if you miss one of the workshops.
  • The workshops will take place on Tuesday 28th February, 7th, 14th, 21st & 28th March in the Parliament Room, Gloucester Cathedral
  • There is a flight of stairs with handrail to access the Parliament Room
Tickets are £30 per person, non-refundable. Participants must be aged 19 years+. Booking required.
Book your ticket below.
Bookings will close 24 hours before the time of the event. 
You may eligible for a free ticket if you are over the age of 19 and a UK/EEU resident in the last 3 years and one of the following: Unemployed/earning below £17,374.50 /retired; Learning disability; Mental health difficulty; qualified below a level 2 (less than 5 GCSES). To check your eligibility please email [email protected]

Bookings are currently unavailable

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