
School Workshops 2024/25

Wednesday 29th January, 10:00

Gloucester Cathedral , College Green, GL1 2NE
Booking Details


Explore the local, regional and national connections of Gloucester Cathedral in this interactive tour of the Cathedral. Time travelling through over 500years of gloucester’s history, students will get the chance to learn about royal visits, monastic traditions and local craftmanship. Can be adapted to include one extra topic of your choice.

Join an interactive tour designed to explore active Christian traditions including the sacraments, types of worship and the role of the church in the community.

Join us for a day in the life of a monk! Explore the monastic tradition in Gloucester, and see how the benedictine monks lived and worshipped for over 500years in the building which is now Gloucester Cathedral.

What does it mean for Christians to believe that God is Holy and Loving? This workshop explores how the Cathedral expresses ideas about God, looking at both medieval ideas of God as Holy and Loving, and how the Cathedral space is used today.

Join an interactive workshop designed to explore what makes the Cathedral sacred, what it means to belong to the Christian Community, and welcome ceremonies

Join an interactive workshop designed to explore what makes the Cathedral sacred, what it means to follow God and belong to the Christian Community, and significant events in a Christians life.

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