A talk by Adrian Rance-McGregor organised by the Friends of Gloucester Cathedral
This talk will explore the origins of the cult of St George in the Byzantine Empire and its spread across Europe. The Normans adopted him as the patron of the new form of mounted warfare and, thanks to his saving the First Crusade from disaster with his miraculous appearances in support of the Norman knights, kings and princes across Europe also adopted him. The talk will explore his emergence as patron saint of England, then follow his transformation from warrior to courtly hero in Renaissance art and thence into the gentleman knight of the British Empire. The talk will conclude with a look at the contemporary interest in St George as part of a resurgence of English national identity.
The lecture is open to non-members; if you are not already a member of the Friends of Gloucester Cathedral, and would like to join, an application form can be found on our website: https://gloucestercathedral.org.uk/support/friends/join