
FOGC - Friends' Christmas Concert

Wednesday 6th December, 17:30

Gloucester Cathedral , College Green, GL1 2NE
Our Christmas concert will take place on 6th December, followed by a reception at the back of the Cathedral nave. We tried this last Christmas, and it was a great success.

The concert this year will be given by the Cathedral Choir, singing a selection of anthems by Byrd, as well as music by Stanford, Mendelssohn and other works for Advent. The evening will conclude with a reception in the nave, with a selection of drinks and festive fare. There will also be the opportunity to explore the festively decorated Cathedral at night.

An excellent occasion for the start of the Christmas season.

This event is for Friends of Gloucester Cathedral and their guests. If you are not already a member of the Friends of Gloucester Cathedral, and would like to join, an application form can be found on our website: https://gloucestercathedral.org.uk/support/friends/join 

Bookings are currently unavailable

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